๐ŸพPAW Token

๐Ÿ’  Token Information


$PAW ๐Ÿพ

Contract Address


Maximum supply

โˆž (Infinite)

Market information, charts and more:

โ›๏ธ Emission Rate

The current emission rate is: 8 $PAW/block.

๐Ÿค Fees

2% of the emission rewards (0.16 $PAW) will be sent to the developerโ€™s address.

These fees will be used for further partnerships & future development.

โ€‹Read more about our Feeconomics.

๐Ÿงฎ Vesting

  • $PAW that was sold during the IFO is not vested.

  • $PAW rewarded from farms will be vested: harvested $PAW vests linearly over 30 days.

Read more about Vested $PAW.

Last updated